Harry gets a howler fanfiction from the marauders. That right goes to JK Rowling.

  • Harry gets a howler fanfiction from the marauders. It was a bright, happy, sunny morning at Hogwarts.
    ) four games of Exploding Snap and six of Wizard's Cheess (Sirius had received the Exploding Snap from James, James had received the Dec 26, 2023 · Harry nearly had a flashback of his death, seeing the 'Fiendfyre!', in action. 10. Hermione was smiling smugly, waiting for Harry to get told off by someone other than her. I will never know how I managed through the Marauders,The Weasley Twins,andThe Golden Trio,but another group of mischief makers?Godric,early retirement here I come!I would never admit Hogwarts needs mischief brings happiness to the school. So everyone sat The Marauders are let loose to wreak havoc on the students, the staff, and Severus Snape. He screamed and screamed and screamed and tried to let the world know he was terrified, that he needed help. " he drawls out, his coal eyes staring the two first years down intensely while waiting for Harry to retreat. The spell though needed Voldemort to use his wand to fight off the large amount of water conjured by Dumbledore. Thanks for reviewing! The Marauders Year 2. " Sirius grinned, gesturing to himself. The forbidden word for muggle born seemed to echo around the room. Watch as they struggle to not give their identities away to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny so they will still be born. Everyone else was still staring at the Howler in disbelief. Harry's Howler It was the morning after Harry Potter and Ron Weasley had flown a car to school. She was surprised to see a red envelope in front of her. " Just a funny fanfic about the Marauders sending howlers. The Howler silenced and Ginny opened the Howler, took the paper out, and read it. "I was bored. She doesn't care about blood status. James picture silently watching, just as he did for the whole confrontation. The only pureblood in his house he does not get on well with is the Weasel. Sirius The Marauders' Howler By: Brain Fluff. Besides, You'll probably never find them, my father put infinite charms on the house, you'll never get in to them. They nodded. ' 'Well, best of luck, for my mate Sirius shall be going in for keeper!' 'Am I?' Sirius exclaimed, surprised. Her legs were scarcely holding her weight. James did his best to sketch out the staircases, but without having multiple layers for floors, it'll be impossible to draw all the passageways they find. One of the many scenarios in which the other marauders find out about their relationship, starring; A not so oblivious Peter, a Remus that is confused by Sirius, an excited Sirius, a panicked and distracted James, a confused Regulus and finally, hot chocolate. To make matters worse, his guardians consisted of the Marauders, and they did an excellent job embarrassing Harry as it was. It became a regular experience to hear witches and wizards of all ages screaming at the top of their lungs at Severus for defacing and cursing their We've got Transfiguration to go to!' hollered James. " Then his eyebrows furrowed. "Don't worry Ginny. Add an old couple. This man is huge, must be half giant. "Erm" Harry mumbles, whilst scratching his head "Sorry about that?" Dumbledore shakes his head fondly. They thought for a few minutes She saw an owl come her way. The streamers had proved surprisingly hard to shift and they had been unable to get rid of the fiery words at all. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Sirius finally managed to tune it out and, once his ears got used to the sound, began to eat again. The barn owl had dropped the howler in his lap and had already begun to smoke. " Sirius grabbed the Howler and ran out of the Great Hall with his friends following him at a slower pace. It then ripped its self up, smiling at Harry. Next is a name for your team. He had his Defense book resting on his lap and his head bent downward as he read the book. "How bored could you have gotten?" "What'd he do?" "Don't worry Jamie boy, that was scary the first time she said it"says Sirius as though getting a Howler was a daily occurrence. He looked down at his small bag which held some Gryffindor banners, his books on Charms and transfiguration, clothes, and some in-case food that James insisted he bring, and Sirius hadn't dared to tell him that Kreacher could cook excellent meals, especially if it was for his mother. ' "Mr. The first time James Fleamont Potter was sorted into Slytherin his father sent a howler the morning after the sorting. I updated the last chapter on Friday, but before that it said Fleamont Potter was James' Gradfather, when he was James' Father, so I apologise for that The lamp me and SB took is missing and werewolves have come to the school, we believe that the two are connected somehow. I plan on uploading every Monday, however I may miss some, or upload it late as school is starting again, with twice as much homework. "She just has to pretend so the student body doesn't realise and get jealous. "Best you opens it, mate. And he was right to hope. She lifted a hand and took the red envelope from the bird, who promptly flew away towards the Slytherin table and landed next to Alec, who started to stroke the bird. Disclaimer: J. Thanks to Dusk for her amazing editing skills. Sirius, in dog form, was wandering around the muggle world in search of any sign of his old friend, Remus Lupin. ' 'I'm not even that close to you, and that's enough to get me to get up. Finally, the round of chastisement ended. "Let's get out of here. If looks could kill, the three Marauders would have already been buried and wept over as Bellatrix clamped her mouth shut. " Came Ron's advice as Harry gingerly untied the letter from Govad's leg. She lets me sleep in. Also RL may have found a way to get back Annabeth it called the Moons Necklaces but RL's father has took the book, we are going to get it back but if u have any information on it that will be very useful. The family is out for blood this time. Harry's house, Harry's friends Harry's enemies. Potter's House-After McGonagall heard of his name. "DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY! "Sure" I said "promise," I meant it. Only good thing came out of it was that not only the Weasley Twins stopped, but through the Howler Harry knew that he had the full Weasley family support—parselmouth or not (Although the howler said nothing about Charlie and Bill—the two eldest Weasley siblings who already graduated Hogwart—Harry had hoped it meant them too). "Oh, wonderful. She smells warm. Remus stared at the piece of parchment for several minutes. Mainly focusing on Lupin as he's my favourite, but including lots of Sirius too. Remus Lupin laughed as Sirius Black rolled his eyes, ignoring the bright red howler that his mother had just sent. 'If you don't get up, I'm singing in my old voice. " "Perfect timing to, diner's ready. "But it's all It's stories about the Marauders from their Hogwarts years. Sirius didn't say a thing; he was too busy wracking his brain for a suitable answer to this new dilemma. It dropped it at Ginevra Weasley's desk. The bottle was dropped. Dumbledore convinces him to become the DADA professor. It's only going to get worse from here; I'm surprised I didn't get a howler!" He turned quickly and exited the room leaving his cousin alone with Ted. TR: reference to torture, reference to child abuse, advocating for violence against babies. " Sirius grimaced, "Thanks for the warning. Lockhart gets up to leave as he glared down at Severus with slight disgust. She was a Gryffindor. Sirius was equally happy. "Howlers can have good messages?" The Marauders weren't stupid enough to activate the charms until everyone was back - they'd be wasted on the teachers. 'Anyway, books!' Remus exclaimed, bringing them to his He was still a Black, the ones who believed that Muggles were filth, and they were royal. That right goes to JK Rowling. Sirius passed the Daily Prophet that he was looking at to James and Remus to read. It was carrying a howler. , James P. So what if I'm only 12? Don't look at me like that!!! This morning we went down to the kitchen to find Remus's cat, Jink, inside a small cage and my owl, Una, with a letter in her beak "Not another Howler," moaned Remus as he took it out of Una's beak and took Jink out of her cage and held her in his arms. "Yeah" sighed Harry "just don't kill me. AUVA, GET BACK HERE! By the time the howler exploded, Remus was in red in the face, but not from embarrassment. "Don't 'alright, Evans?' me, Potter. When we arrive, we get off the train, and a booming voice yells over it heads, "Firs years this way. The Howler burst into flames, and pretty soon, all that was left of it was a small pile of gray ashes. It was a Howler and by the looks of the owl it was from her mother. So the question was how the hell did he get a tropical bird to deliver a letter for him? And Harry had no doubt that it was indeed his godfather who was an escaped convict, who had sent the letter. The shouting continued. "Good old Marauders promise?" Remus said. " Lily shot her head up with a fire in her eyes. He screamed. Harry watched as the youngest Weasley prepared herself. "They need all the help they can get," someone hissed back. She meets the Marauders on the Hogwarts Express, and finds her own group of friends along the way. My friends also made up the characters Claire Howler, Becky Screetch, Sarah Skitters, and Carol Luna. Is this all the firs years? Good, let's go," he tells us. Midnight did not bother the Marauders, however, as they walked back to the common room after having been in the kitchens for half the night. 13. It began to smoke. Harry had been staying at Ron's for the end of the summer when his parents and their two friends, Sirius and Remus went on holiday, and unfortunately the Weasley family had been running late. 11. " she said with tears in The Howler continued. Nov 4, 2023 · The Marauders' Howler by Brain Fluff reviews Harry Potter gets a howler from home. "I can explain. Though their situations were very different, on many levels they were very similar. Chapter 7- Back to Grimmauld Place. Turning to face Draco Harry said with a large smile, "Merry Christmas Malfoy. "HARRY JAMES POTTER! When Harry Potter receives a Howler from his mother for flying the car to Hogwarts in his second year. , Marauders - Words: 1,016 - Reviews: 84 - Favs: 715 - Follows: 224 - Published: 7/7/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9466519 Dec 27, 2017 · James and Lily are alive, and Harry gets an interesting Howler after crashing the car at the beginning of second year. "Good going Ron" said Harry clapping him on the back "if we can get the motorbike working we can drive toGlasgowmead library and look up some way to take us home. she reached out and started pulling out the stopper, just as Kreacher apperated into the room. The Marauders' first day Hogwarts. 'Harry I need you to cast a nerve-blocker on Sirius' hand, I'll need a portion of one of his fingers. You may think being sorted into Gryffindor, and spraying the Slytherins with potions make you better than everybody else, but it doesn't. Warning: Don't drink and read at the same time. Sunday, September 5th, 1971. Sirius groaned, Peter turned around in his spot. Just then an owl swopped up in front of me and made me sure as hell that there was a damn thing known as karma. It's a story I've mainly come up with about the Marauders. It was a bright, happy, sunny morning at Hogwarts. Sirius gritted his teeth. " Hermione and Harry started laughing. CHAPTER 6: The Night Before The Full Moon. Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Harry Potter. And if he were raised by Sirius, he wouldn't get a howler from his parents. Each chapter can be read as a standalone! 'Go get my presents for Orion and Regulus will you, Kreacher' with a nod, he left. My friends made up, The Marauders Legacy. Chapter 12: Knights and Threats. "You know, this is the kind of thing that get my imaginative juices flowing," Harry joked in hopes of shifting the mood in the room. He then chanced a look back over at a still glaring McGonogall, winking at her. A new record. Draco Malfoy and Snape had both gotten hate mail for treating Harry how they did. ] - Chapters: 35 - Words: 48,897 - Reviews: 147 - Favs: 519 - Follows: 489 - Updated: 6/8/2016 - Published: 4/23/2015 'Anyway!' Peakes shouted loudly. " Ron said to me. Jul 25, 2024 · Harry Potter Needs a Hug. The enlisting of Dobby further bolstered it. Chapter2: Motorbike ~James~ I told mother and farther that we were going exploring around London and will be back till midnight, I felt a bit guilty lying to them, when my parents asked me why I will 12 hours out, I said Sirus wanted to see everything of London before he went home to the wizard world, my parents agreed but there were five rules that we A red Howler was being carried by an old owl. , Tom R. " He can stay uncle. " Came a voice from the open door of Lily's office. The four Marauders were walking to class when they heard a yell behind them. I almost laughed out aloud remembering the entertaining start of a day. , Remus L. The Howler unfolded and instead of a commanding voice like thought they would hear, they heard hissing. I'm sure you do…) Anyway, Kim (or Morsmordre, her pen name) has a Marauders Era first year story up on her favorites (Well, I didn't put it there, and Justine doesn't even really like Harry Potter that much, so I'm assuming Kim put it there) so I decided to write a story too. "You know," Remus said when the screaming letter paused for breath, "I've never been sent a howler. What was different was that Harry could talk back to this one. Sirius Black, Harry's godfather was supposed to be in London at his Family's house. And sure enough, the next morning, my mum sent a howler. 5. Right before the howler burnt up, Harry heard Sirius shouting praises in the background. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family/Humor - Harry P. "You have to say that, you're my dad," he laughs. This time Lily didn't try to hold back her tears as she latched onto her son. Start the film and let simmer. "Ron. Draco received a howler. Plenty of fluff and maybe a little bit of smut, but not loads. Disowning him was their worst possible mistake. "I'm not making an accusation, but knowing Harry as I do was it deserved?" "It was most certainly not. It was the one time when we did a better version of what our uncles Fred and George did at the end of their 7th year. Remus was helping the three understand the Transfiguration alphabet. A one-shot of Harry in his second year in an alternate universe setting where Lily and James are still alive. I never thought nor said that. Enjoy. His bright yellow hair was sticking straight up, Marge Simpson style, not that anyone other than Harry would get the reference. ' "Ah. James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter were sitting on the Gryffindor table talking about school work. " "Howler?" Ron said. "What have I done now?" Harry asked his friends, as if they had the answer, but they just stared at the letter. James, Peter and Sirius were pale and shaking while Remus looked fine, just sad for his friends. All three boys picked up their first gift. Every week it seemed a new one was owled in, and every week the Marauders got a good laugh at Mrs. Angry, spitting coming from the scarlet letter. Rowling. A year after the war, Harry somehow manages to get thrown back in time to the Marauders 7th year. The only reason you're still conscience is because I want you to apologize to your sister. The reference to the chamber was part of the howler. "And Ginny, dear, congratulations on making it into Gryffindor. A brief image of Professor Flitwick attempting to spank the much larger Sirius had the Ravenclaws in stitches! Besides, it had become a yearly attraction to see whether Sirius would get a howler and each year they were not disappointed. Some jokes were added in with the weeping and by the time Harry had returned both girls had a better understanding of each other. It looks like your mother is going to kill me. 7. He was listening to the Howler and holding his hand tightly. A collection of one-shots. Sirius had been protesting as the girl was 6 at the moment. This was getting worse. "You have done well today. The howler had successfully captured the entire great halls attention. Yours sincerely, Matilda Toogood"with that the Howler burst into flames. Chapter 11: Injuries. " Ginny said, her voice like a thousand angels. After a minute of Harry sitting dumbstruck, just staring at the letter, the letter opened itself and Lily Potter's voice could be heard throughout the hall. THEY LET MUDBLOODS IN THAT HOUSE. " he said. 'Thank goodness that it didn't arrive in the Great Hall' Peakes muttered, being the only one who could actually talk. "Hey Remus, how did you get that scratch?" I ask, and Remus looks at the ground. Helena Potter, Harry's younger sister, eyed the owl wearily but she continued to eat her breakfast. And if anyone says they don't like you, just let me know and I'll send them a right nasty howler. " Harry gets into a little trouble upon arriving at Hogwarts. Everyone then looked up and smiled. The original marauder's get stuck in the third generation marauder's time! Chaos will ensue!Harry potter worldbelongs to JK ROWLING…this is my fanfic…based on an unfinished fan fic by weasleytwins4eva and pseudonym13…check out their profilemy orignal story starts from chapter 9 ENJOY Two of his other gang members are pureblood, albeit of lowborn families, and he is on friendly terms with the scion of House Longbottom. Vi smiled at Fabian and Fabian smiled back. Steps: Get the Marauders into an empty cinema. Narcissa was once again reminded that it was never a good idea to ever mess with Lily's Cub. He had always excelled at Transfiguration, and good at the other subjects. Fortunately for him, the Marauders distract Lily and decide to have a little fun. His hand was closed so tightly around his fork that it looked ready to break in half. Sirius had promised to get in touch within a fortnight, and it had given Harry hope. The entire hall was silent. Harry took no hesitation, and quickly snatched the howler from the clicking raven's beak. Sirius definitely gets her. I love the marauders and the thought of Sirius and James's friendships is one of my favorite things! Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own the marauders, such a shame Jun 8, 2019 · But I need to get the process started and then we can concentrate on Riddle. Your mum was furious at you!" Harry said. Sirius Black jumped into the car and whispered a goodbye to the cottage. Chapter One . " Neville replied horrified meanwhile Harry began to . If you are not a fan, please don't read it. "Sorry were late Professor, we got lost. It was near the end of Harry's second year at Hogwarts, and Hermione and the other victims had recovered. "Harry looked at Ron puzzled. " His rather short explanation. They met up with Sirius at the top of the Entrance Hall steps. Harry Potter gets a howler from home. The owl landed in front of Sirius. The four Marauders looked tired and pale, having spent most of the night clearing up their dorm. Remus groggily got up, and ran his hand through his bed-hair. In fact, as Harry looked closer at the Staff table, all the teachers had looks of fond nostalgia on their faces. His school uniform had been transfigured into a copy of the vivid red-orange robes Dumbledore had been wearing during the opening feast, which clashed brilliantly with the hot pink skin. " Remus said. A letter was clenched in his other fist. , OC, Marauders - Chapters: 23 - Words: 25,463 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 91 - Follows: 56 - Updated: 11/1/2013 Provided he is able to get howlers from his parents, that means he isn't raised by Sirius. " Minerva was worried. " 'Not at all, Harry, you didn't know and I did ask for Riddle first. Mar 22, 2015 · Hermione Granger, with wide eyes, was wordlessly warning Harry of his howler as Govad landed right beside Errol. He found it safer to stay in his dorm today as it was "'The Secret Files of The Marauders'? Where did you get this?" "This is the Marauders' Map, Ron. The Slytherin table burst into applause while all the Griffindors glared at them. "No problem Sirius. Of course they got lost a few times but they made it to class and were only three minutes late. - Words: 956 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 30 - Published: 1/9/2021 - Status: Complete - id: 13790782 "Good plan" said James as he shot of his seat "There should be some biscuits or something" with that he lead the way into the kitchen with Harry following close behind and then Lily and Snape. A/N: I finished my midterms today so I can update again! Enjoy the chapter! Thanks for reviewing! The Marauders Year 2. " Harry told her. ' The Howler fell to the floor, with the words 'To whom this owl belongs to. The train journey went as expected. Oh no, I got to go now. Harry knelt in front of her and took her hands into his. They each grabbed a package around the same size. Everything was getting much worse. Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting near Draco as the howler exploded. 8. "See you soon. "What is?!" she started but the howler cut her off. Oh while I remember, when you get home at Christmas, watch your back. James, Remus, and Peter waited expectantly for enlightenmentthat was rather quick in coming; Sirius handed over the Marauders' Map, whilst grinning widely, and began his explanation. 'It's not alright! And I'll just wait for your brother to come to Hogwarts, then I'll get him. It's stories about the Marauders from their Hogwarts years. He never opened them, always threw them over his shoulder while sorting through his mail. Besides that, he Authors note-Ok, I own the plot and the boarding school. ' 'I'm up!' Sirius cried, mock desperation in his voice. They really couldn't imagine any of the teachers using "force" to discipline the legendary Marauders. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Parody - Harry P. He had received a howler the other day from her grandmum to be sorted in Hufflepuff. Break out the Sugar Quills. Lily's angry and the Marauders are amused. The marauders all stared at the howler dumbfounded. "I remember that. Messer Padfoot would like to begin the tale. "Well open it," Sirius urged, "get it over and done with I say. I am still slightly stunned but Sirius changes the subject. Sorry for interrupting. Neglected by his family, intelligence constantly underestimated, his placement in Slytherin house is a shock. The Marauders' Years: Year One. Ginny and Harry were on their way to the Great Hall for breakfast when she saw a fox in the hall. Jun 19, 2020 · This is a fic containing the ship, Jegulus or James Potter/Regulus Black. "Oh don't you worry Ron, my mum will be sending me a Howler as well. , OC - Words: 1,533 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 127 - Follows: 44 - Published: 3/22/2015 - Status: Complete Kerd151: Thank you! I actually forgot about the Howler, I'll give him one tomorrow! I also laughed when Remus (nearly) said Half-Breed, which was one of my favourite parts! I probably will make Andromeda nice, because she isn't that bad! Thanks for the reminder about the Howler and you are my new favourite person! Lily Astrania: Thank you! Hello! This is my first fanfiction so please review and tell me if it is ok. James Potter ran through the ticket barrier between platform 9 and 10 and was immediately trampled over by a trolley that his dad was pushing. "Words of wisdom kid. "Sirius, shut up and eat your food. She still cleans up and cooks despite the fact that she has house elves. "Merlin, it's great to have you back. , Lucius M. Apparently it wasn't often that your parents sent you a howler to congratulate you. Next to him McGonagall can be seen hiding a smile behind her hand. K. "IF YOU PUT ANOTHER "TOE" OUT OF LINE, WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!" The Howler flew toward a blushing Ginny. If she was surprised to see them, she gave no sign of it. Jr. "Silencio. AU where Sev and the Marauders go to school with Tom UNDERAGE warning for the barest of sexual encounters between an 11 and 12 year old Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Romance - [Harry P. Chapter 1 – First Impressions. 9. "That's disgusting. ' James was currently being restrained by both Remus and Peter. IT TALKS ABOUT YOUR FUTURE GENERATION…" Just then Lily Evans entered the Gryffindor boy's dorm. If you haven't yet, read before this story: The Son and Nephew of the Marauders: The Sorcerer's Stone The Son and Nephew of the Marauders: The Chamber of Secrets. " "The deal is, you lot stand firm against those who want to be Death Eaters, and we Marauders will back you, and fight your corner if big people get involved," said Severus. This is the Marauders life at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With a quick glance at each other, the boys grabbed their luggage, and headed towards the last carriages. " Remus laughs a little and pulls away from his Mum to look at his Dad. Harry gets a very interesting howler after he and Ron flew the Ford Angelia to Hogwarts, and Ron gets pretty jealous because of Harry's family. Suddenly, Padfoot jumped on top of Harry and started licking him. Everyone watched with fear, anticipation, worry, as it fell to the floor in one tense second. , Ron W. Black's expense. Harry smirked as he raised his wand to finish the Dark Lord for once and all, or more especially, destroy the body of the Dark Lord. 'You are. Go ahead and get in more trouble, just not too much or your mother will kill us both. Follow/Fav The Fantastic Adventures of The Marauders By: Bittersweet x In that crazy world they lived in, there was only one thing that they were sure of: that they would be best friends forever. K owns Harry Potter. Hermione, the know-it-all that was also Sorted into Gryffindor, looked curiously over to them and asked what it was. Chapter 17: 7 Days and Clowns. Every few minutes a new group would fall through the barrier and head off to meet up with old friends or to store their school things on board the train. And in neither, he'd get a letter from Walburga. At this point every Gryffindor was at the table, no student wanted to miss mail. She lets me stay up super late. It was the 1st of September and Platform 9 3/4 was crowded with students and parents, several of them for their very first time, excited at the magic that was about to come their way. 14. So he did the only thing he could think to. As Harry enters his first year, unsure and uncertain, he receives a surprise letter at the start of the year. Sirius didn't get to see Carlee's face go white. You could see the red envelope from a mile away. Ron looked disappointed that Ginny found a way to get rid of the Howler. " Harry said while laughing. No, he decided, he wasn't free, not quite. "Alright, Howler it is. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works An hour later they realized that they had less than five minutes to get to class. Caution: involves flying projectiles and wands breaking and weird music. As soon as she stepped towards the little creature, it ran into an open classroom. "Let's get a few things straight Weasley. You are in big trouble. The bird slowly lifted up one of its great feet and held it out to her. " 101 ways the Marauders would annoy Voldemort if they snuck into his mansion undercover. Ron urged Harry to grab the howler and run, but Harry seemed not to hear him. "Remus Lupin, you are by far the most likable kid anyone will ever know. Unlike Professor Binns, This teacher noticed. The Howler. 'You need to get off your high hippogriff. I took a look at James and his mother they had confused expressions on their faces which were almost amusing. Sirius had apparently unfrozen long enough to flick his wand and mutter that one lethal word, the Singing Spell: "Ghana gauo!" Bellatrix mouthed furiously for a few seconds, and of course, more song came flying from her mouth. Your Father and I are so proud. "Good. How will he handle seeing the young Marauders? Can he keep himself from telling them about the future? 4. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Adventure - Lily Evans P. James and Lily enchant howlers. Black says that Sirius will have to stay at school. "Harry I hate you. Credit to J. Was all the howler managed to get out before a knife sized blade made of wind cut it in half, the blade circled around and cut it in half again, it repeated until the howler was nothing but little shredded bits of paper. Sirius knew that his mother was considering having him marry Avery's younger sister. - Chapters: 25 - Words: 21,291 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 7/7/2017 - Published: 1/22/2016 I don't own the Harry Potter series or it's characters. " yelled Lily Evans. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. A/N: First story! Please review. When he gets back to the dorm he flips open his notebook and sees that James really did draw the tunnel out, but it was harder to draw, because it went up several flights of stairs. " Sirius said. On the first day of the new term, the Marauders met Lily in the Entrance Hall. . They started staring at each other, Vi had obviously forgotten about the howler, and everything else for that matter. " Ron exclaimed nervously. "Marauders promise. Apr 26, 2020 · A very Marauder howler By: harryptterr. The 'Boy Who Lived' is Harry's older twin. The Great Hall. The Marauders turned around. I was anxious to get back to Hogwarts; I hadn't seen James since I left the Potters. He guided her to his desk chair. When was this going to end? It needed to end. Weasly said. Carlee took a shaky breath and turned the howler over. This is a fanfic on James, the rest of the Marauders and Lily in their Seventh Year. "Avery, Callen," McGonagall read. Also if you haven't please take part on voting for which story you want me to update next month Follow/Fav The Marauders' Memories By: WilliamArthurWeasley We all know of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs as mischievous teenagers, but how about as 'ickle firsties' and second years? "She had the audacity to send Harry a Howler. If you stumble across a good one, drop me a link and I'll check it out and (possibly) add it. A brief mental image of the tiny Flitwick attempting to spank the much larger Sirius had some of the Hufflepuffs in stitches. JK Rowling owns Sirius. The young Marauders and the Golden Trio . Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,352 - Reviews: 144 - Favs: 391 - Follows: 44 - Published: 8/15/2003 - Remus L. When the howler exploded, he fell off his seat and started laughing. K. "I - still - can't - get - this - butter - out - of - my - beautiful - hair!" he says tugging at his hair. Besides, it had become a yearly attraction, seeing if Sirius got a Howler from his That evening, after an amazing feast, a few very satisfactory pranks (even though James, Sirius, and Remus swore they didn't have anything to do with turning the remaining Slytherins' hair red and green, and Bellatrix Black's a fantastic shade of bright orange. "MAYBE FOR REMUS IT IS BUT" "ERRIN!" "SORRY" "SO, HERE IS SOME BACKGROUND INFORMATION – THERE IS A MUGGLE BOOK SERIES CALLED HARRY POTTER. Avery was a dark-haired boy and one that Sirius had grown up with. YOU BETTER HOPE THAT YOU AREN'T MAKING FRIENDS WITH PEOPLE LIKE THAT, IF YOU ARE I SWEAR…" The letter made a weird hissing noise and then paused. "I fell," he tells me, and though I know he is lying, I don't push. Set in AU where Harry's parents live. GINEVRA MOLLY WEASLEY!, Hello! This is my first fanfiction so please review and tell me if it is ok. Any way, getting on with the chapter. Before Harry, Ron and Hermione's era, before they were even born. Thank you! My posting schedule: Weekly. The whistle blew and the last minute scramble to get on the train broke out. " Harry was beaming. I own most of the plot, some of it is from the books though. , Lily Evans P. How dare you make me lose my oldest friend?" growled Lily. Much to Snape's displeasure Harry stood his ground, not moving an inch from his friends side. Hello! This is my first fanfiction so please review and tell me if it is ok. Harry was correct about Severus sitting at the Head Table with Howler after Howler coming by owl for him. Jily alive and Sirius is cleared! Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Fantasy - James P. Yours sincerely . The birds were singing, butterflies swooping through the air, flowers-"PROFESSOR SNAPE'S GOT A HOWLER!" Indeed, this was true. That makes sense. Sadly, he would revert to Follow the Marauders and all of their mischief through their first year at Hogwarts! It takes a while to get into it so be please be patient! Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship/Romance - Sirius B. Obviously you all know that James and Lily get together, but how read to find out Rated: Fiction K - English - Fantasy/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 5,335 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 4/24/2007 - Published: 2/19/2007 - id: 3402437 Nov 20, 2013 · Ingredients: 4 Marauders, box of SugarQuills, an old couple & the PoA film. She also makes the best hot chocolate. ' "What? Why?" Sirius asked. , Marauders - Words: 1,202 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 349 - Follows: 132 - Published: 12/27/2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12775157 The Mad Marauders. In which James and Lily Potter enchant howlers to reach their son at all his monumental life moments. 'I know this conversation must be interesting, but I think it is more important to GET ON THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS, WHICH LEAVES IN TWENTY MINUTES. Give it immediately. Harry smiled back and then they headed downstairs. 12. Weasly says that to Ron, only tells him he'll have to come home where as Mrs. , Peter P. When his father gave him the marauders map in his second year, James started planning pranks in the room of requirement, which he soon moved into as to get away from the pressure of being the eldest son of the savior of the wizarding world. (Wolfstar and Jily) Genres could be friendship and hurt etc too. When he was in his third year, he set out to become an animagus like his grandfather. James made it his mission to get all his relatives to write Sirius a letter, show that he had a true family. " "Sorry. "Albus! It's from my mother. It does not sit well with me to pretend that my time in Gryffindor Tower has altered my way of thinking, nor would it be believable. ' James replied firmly. 'I wouldn't bet on it. " Ron said. In fact, he didn't even say goodbye to me when Severus and I left by Floo the next morning. " I said. Please R&R! DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything that you recognize. "A Howler. You go ahead, I'll get it. ' Sirius stated, picking at his breakfast with an unusual lack of enthusiasm. Follow the Marauders as they learn more than they ever thought they would. "Here, I have one. " "Well I was going to fix it to get some large pizzas but I think your plan is better," laughed Ron "but I'm going to need a tool box. Her eyes widened and she squeezed Albus's hand. They all want a piece of this. The last time she got a Howler from her mother was when she found out Minerva was pregnant. " They really could not imagine the professors using force to discipline the legendary Marauders. Then, it was extremely quiet. Secrets of Hogwarts. "Let's just get back to a name for Ron. Chapter Eleven: Slytherin Blood runs Thin He knew he'd done it when the hat grudgingly shouted out "Slytherin" and a shell-shocked Sirius Black fainted dead away. Apparently, it also shows other things as well. " Mrs. " Colin smiled as he gave Lockhart a galleon, who rudely took it from him and made his way over to sit with Harry, silently shoving Severus to the side as Lockhart puts an arm around Harry and smiled as Colin took a picture. Like every year, the Hogwarts Express platform was full of students and their parents. For the most part, the next two weeks of Hogwarts passed by quickly without much changing. We filled the place with fireworks! While it was going on, we watched the video in our dorm while supposedly "doing our homework. A snowy owl is similar to my own. , Sirius B. The two were quite pleased; it took less and less effort to drag Remus out. COMPLETE! AU GOF. All right, this is just a quick thing I wrote when I thought of the idea of Sirius officially being part of the Potter's family. He had managed to get a lot of his homework done quickly, much thanks to his father, who was a totally potions wizz. He was now crying with joy openly. Along with his friend Draco Malfoy he faces the challenges of the Twizard Tournament. It was disgusting. Chapter 4 – Howler 'We can't let them get away with this. " James sighed. Myth and Sirius Black have a slow dislike for one another, and no one really knows why, except them. Sirius covered his face. Peter is not in this one. Six year old Dora Tonks gets a visit from three Marauders, and her dolls get a new mission in life. ] Harry P. Time travel fics and come to life fics. After James, Al, Lily, Rose, Hugo and Teddy accidently break a time-turner, they are transported to Harry's 5th year. " Remus really hoped that their party didn't cause them to get in Harry grabbed Ron by the shirt and pulled him up until his face was inches away from Harry's. Death countdown: 7 days remaining. "POTTER, BLACK, YOU ARE DEAD. When his friends fell apart - when Remus plain fell down and didn't get up, when Sirius started to cry, when James laughed - then he was not okay. It was carrying a Howler. Lifetimes later, tipsy from butterbeer, the Marauders would declare it James's first, and greatest, prank. ] [Severus S. ' 'Excuse me, Sirius Black, how many times do we have to say that your being abused!' Sirius winced, while Peter gave a large shudder. Jan 16, 2017 · Then came Hogwarts. The Marauders create chaos. Harry Potter, told him merry Christmas. " he said with his wand up. Remus gets a howler from the rest of the Marauders when they learn that he has never before received one. She gives the best hugs. Malfoy, Do stay behind, I simply must have a word with the you. As for the Marauders themselves, they were in a state of hyperactive excitement. °•☆ Disclaimers: Most of these characters belong to J. Ron was looking straightforwardly envious, while Harry didn't know what do to about this new development. Chapter 25-Duels and Detentions 'Man, two weeks of detention from today!' James mused cheerily. "You'd better open it and get it over with Harry. Harry finished with his voice barely above a whisper. "Wolfs howl and I got a howler second year. *Due to nearly fainting yesterday, I wasn't allowed on gadgets as it would make me feel worse- So I couldn't upload the chapter then. The mail was arriving again, and the whole Gryffindor table was buzzing with the excitement of my mum sending me a howler The students in the hall laughed. But the howler ran out of time mid-insult. JP Harry and I were the first to jump out of the bushes with garlic and aluminium chains in hand ready to launch at the vampires then Sirius and Remus came from the other side and then it was the girls, Lily and Hermione and Snape (yes I know what I said) but the vampire's were a lot and mean a lot faster than us, as we expected and the one who I stuffed my trunk with all the things I had needed to get ready for the train ride to school. "Alright, Evans?" said James, running a hand through his hair. "Merry Christmas Ron. Draco couldn't speak, he just nodded. A howler had made its way to the Dursley household three days before which had given them an ultimatum regarding any untoward treatment of Harry. "So… thanks Ted. "I wonder what they mean about 'files', though. It's true, I think Lily was a bit lonely and worried, especially when Snape goes to Slytherin. At last. I like to thank BlackGryphon101 Time Travelling Wolf Animagus for their comments on the Young Marauders and The Golden trio "Merry Christmas Harry. Harry often felt that they had a spy in Hogwarts placed for him. Harry felt some dread wondering what Sirius had done this time. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor - [James P. " Harry had managed to wrap his arms around the dog's neck. I don't think Harry's going to die. Prongs Jr, or Flames, Speedy and Howler. He was very pale from what he read. Every student in the great hall watched as the owl dropped the letter in front of Draco. Harry meets his dad, sometimes his mom, and get to hang with the Marauders in general. James and Sirius, after being forced to study and do a dreaded thing called homework by Remus, learnt a new jinx and promptly tried it out on Severus Snape, the boy from the train. Remus was sitting by himself on his bed in his dorm. When she said, 'if you put one more toe out of line,' Mrs. 'A week of sorting potions ingredients for Slughorn, and a week of tidiying the transfiguration department for McGonagall. ' Sirius looked extremely grim. Remus had been reluctant to go out as always, but James and Sirius had managed to talk him into it. " Draco was dumbstruck. AU where Harrys parents lived and Sirius is cleared. "Why would they send you a Howler?" Peter asked, staring at the letter as one would stare at a potion that was about to explode. Chapter 4 – The Marauders . As always, thank you very much for reading and please, please review! Your reviews give me life! They give me inspiration! Oh, we got the boys into so much trouble! They even got sent a howler once for something we did. She shook her head, turning back to her breakfast. Suddenly Sirius, now human, took Harry off me and giving him his own big hug. Nobody won though. ' Remus interrupted. 15. :D. The thoughts of the howler to come, and the Christmas where he would be unwelcome and unwanted, and the hostile glances from his cousins plagued his mind, and that's how he fell asleep. Neutral! Harry. I swear to not turn my back on Harry or I will identify myself as an anamagus. " and Sirius letting go and patting Harry on the head instead, then I felt Hermione give me a light hug . All it does is make you a blood traitor!' Avery jeered. " "Then read it! Come on!" Harry obeyed and started. " Remus laughed. I opened my mouth, but Fabian yelled at the class, "Oi! Either get something else to stare at or actually do your work!" Everyone instantly looked away. Said victims included, unfortunately, Lestrange, who, earlier in the year, had been arrested for being the heir of Slytherin due to his distant relations to the founder, which Harry could say with utmost certainty was not true, as the rest of the school had found out after he BECAUSE NO CHILD OF MINE GET'S BUT IN SUCH A LOW CLASS HOUSE OF PEOPLE. She was about to tell him that she knew it was Tonks, when she saw him point to a portrait on the wall. "I can't see that a man of honour has anything in common with people who wand-burn a kid for, I presume, having been caught spying by us when we were talking. She sent a howler that sang me happy birthday. 'Gwen moved to a new line. Feb 1, 2023 · The howler tears itself to shreds and settles back onto the table. " I told him. I didn't bother to get up I thought Harry would bring the food to me at some point, but of course that didn't happen. 'We were trying to find a way to get better at keeping, for Timmy will be distraught if Coote gets the position. Jul 7, 2013 · Harry gets a howler about the car flown to Hogwarts incident. mfpl eslnn mmtnl leagmcau wellvuav hkexz soztjlr ukxn gqgv tft